Article 11114

Title of the article



Kosharnaya Galina Borisovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. One of the main problems of formatiuon of the culture of civilized entrepreneurship is a problem of social-ethic responsibility of business subjects. Entrepreneurship in its essence is interested mainly in fast gaining of profit. The ethics of entrepreneurship provides for responsibility for progressive development of society, for preservation of the environment, for fair relations with partners etc. In this sense the ethics of entrepreneurship requires from business subjects to correct their position regarding the society’s interests. The article is aimed at determination of the condition of the modern entrepreneurship’s social responsibility.
Materials and methods. Realization of the research objectives was achieved on the basis of the analysis of conditions and trends of entrepreneurship development. The study includes the data of the author’s survey of entrepreneurs of Penza region and a database of other researchers.
Results. The research results show that the modern entrepreneurs understand the necessity of assisting the society in solving such problems as homeless children help, ecology, development of education, and are less ready to invest into medicine and help to the poor.
Conclusions. Formation of the entrepreneurship’s social responsibility is impossible without the corresponding state policy, adoption of a system of laws, ans also the corresponding level of social morality.

Key words

entrepreneurship, social responsibility of entrepreneurship, charity, sponsorship.

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:36
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:06